Aligi Sassu, Vissi d'arte

Artista, uomo libero. Due aggettivi per descrivere Aligi Sassu, uno dei più importanti protagonisti del Novecento che ha attraversato quasi tutto il XX secolo lasciando un segno prezioso nella vita culturale italiana.

The gallery SanGiorgio Arte, in collaborazione con l’Archivio Aligi Sassu, gli rende omaggio con una personale dal titolo “Vissi d’Arte” che ripercorre oltre sessant’anni di attività pittorica del maestro (dal 1939 al 1990).

Il vernissage si svolgerà sabato 30 novembre alle 18.30

alla presenza di suo figlio Carlos Sassu Suarez Olivares, presidente dell’Archivio Sassu.


Featured paintings

Purchase pictures, paintings and luxury works of art in unique pieces.

Ferrara Marco

D'Orsi Silvano


Chiaraluce Stefania

Chiaraluce Stefania

Chiaraluce Stefania


The company's initiatives

We boast the organization of exhibitions and cultural events, some of which
in collaboration with public institutions. In Italy and abroad, our name resonates in the most prestigious places.


From mind to canvas

Painters, sculptors and innovators of art who express their genius in creating unique masterpieces 


All the artworks
are certified

Each work is equipped with authenticity certificate signed by the same artist. 

To further protect the customer, the document contains a number indicating membership of the Movement Archive.


Why choose us

Call Center

The call center voices, experts in effective communication, illustrate the company's cultural message and agree on an appointment.

Consultants throughout Italy

Prepared consultants on artists and on the art market, who can thus offer the collector the most appropriate investment.


Possibility to divide the payments according to the needs and requirements of each of our customers.


Download app

The App of San Giorgio Arte allows you to receive all information about Artists, Works, News directly on your mobile phone and keep you constantly updated on new events.


How to receive your artwork


Log in to the shop

Visit our shop and browse the vast selection of artworks in our gallery


Buy with one click

Select your preferred payment method


Your artwork to your home.

exposure of our customers

Let's expose yourself

Customers of the SanGiorgio Arte Gallery put their works on display


"The arcane for us is what is poetically hidden in the beauty of the visible, what we want to reveal and what everyone can discover."

Founded by Paolo Levi, the Arcani Movement is made up of ten artists united by mystery.
In November 2012 it was on display at the ONU Palace.


The true quality of art

San Giorgio Arte has among its 6,000 customers, distributed throughout the European territory, amateurs and collectors of historical and contemporary artists.
Here the testimonies of our customers who have chosen some of our works of art from the selection of our gallery

Request a consultation

Contact us for further clarification and to choose the artwork suitable for you and your spaces.

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