Dance Giacomo

Dance Giacomo

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James Balla was born in Turin in 1871. He is among the first protagonists of Italian divisionism and later became a leading exponent of Futurism signing, together with Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and other futurists, the manifestos that establish the theoretical aspects of the movement. He attended the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts and in the early twentieth century he began to paint paintings Pointillist, without however strictly following the scientific program of Seurat and Signac. In 1895 he left Turin to settle in Rome, where he lived for the rest of his life. In 1903, at the Free School of the Nude, he met Umberto Boccioni, Gino Severini and Mario Sironi. A bond was born between him and Boccioni that would lead them on different paths of research on the futurist path. When in 1909 Marinetti published the First Futurist Manifesto, Balla joins the movement. In 1910 the Manifesto of futurist painters and together with Boccioni, Carrà, Russolo and Severini he signed Il Technical manifesto of futurist painting. In 1918 he published the Color poster where he analyzes the role of color in avant-garde painting. In 1937, however, he declared himself alien to Futurist activities. From that moment it was set aside by official culture, until its revaluation in the post-war period.


The works of Dance Giacomo

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