Messina Francesco

Messina Francesco

Francis Messina (Linguaglossa 1900 – Milan 1995) established itself on the national and international artistic scene starting from the 1920s thanks to its participation in the main Italian exhibitions and events, such as the Venice Art Biennale and the Rome Quadrennial, and the publication of his works in authoritative magazines such as Domus and Casabella. Having moved to Milan, he quickly became one of the major representatives of Italian art. Teaches sculpture atBrera Academy, of which he became director. After the Second World War, an authoritative academic master, he received important public and private commissions. It is familiar to the general public thanks to its presence on the pages of the most popular magazines, such as Era, and on TV. In these years he founded his museum studio in the deconsecrated church of San Sisto, where he worked with passion until his death. His artistic production is characterized by references to classical, ancient and Renaissance traditions. Classical suggestions and contaminations coexist with a modern language developed in awareness of the art of its time. He is considered by critics to be among the greatest figurative sculptors of the twentieth century, together with ManzuMartini and Marini. He is the author of some of the major monuments of Italian twentieth century: Santa Caterina da Siena, located on the Tiber of Castel Sant'Angelo; the Via Crucis of San Giovanni Rotondo; RAI's Dying Horse; the Monument to Pius XII in St. Peter's Basilica. His works appear in the most prestigious museums in the world.


The works of Messina Francesco

Messina Francesco


Messina Francesco


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