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Arte del Novecento e arte contemporanea, insieme in una mostra collettiva per raccontare decenni tumultuosi che hanno cambiato per sempre la società. È lo spirito della mostra dal titolo ARTE IN MOSTRA – storici e contemporanei. Guttuso, Arman, Attardi, Dorazio, Lichtenstein, Festa, Migneco, Perilli e Sassu accendono un faro su un periodo storico profondamente scosso da cambiamenti […]

Event date
21/09/2024 19:00
Event Venue
SanGiorgioArte gallery - Via Sparano 79, BARI

Sabato 21 settembre alle ore 19.00 la galleria SanGiorgio riapre le sue porte della nuova stagione artistica per il Vernissage della mostra “SILVANO D’ORSI – Raffigurazioni Metafisiche“, la personale del Maestro Campano, che vi lascerà incantati. La mostra sarà inaugurata da Sandra Mastella. Interverrà la critica d’arte Rita Castigli.Saremo aperti dal martedì al venerdì’ 10.00/13.00 […]

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I dettagli fanno la differenza.Vale sempre, vale ancora di più se si parla di arredamento. Quando si arreda un ambiente privato, dalla camera da letto al soggiorno, non si può pensare che siano solo i grandi pezzi del mobilio a fare l’identità di una casa. Palinuro a New York di Ugo Attardi Al contrario, ci […]

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There are those who consider the purchase of works of art in a professional studio to be superfluous. There would be millions of reasons capable of dismantling this belief, we at the SanGiorgioArte Gallery have decided to start from those that we consider main. First of all we should recognize the well-being that works of art are able to assure those who work in contact with them and, […]

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Participation and enthusiasm for the vernissage of the FLOWERS exhibition by Stefania Hepeisen. Passionate and curious people walked through the rooms of the gallery, admired the majestic lightness of the flowers and grasped the fascinating metaphor of the dancers, "women who blossom" as explained by the artist. Women and flowers, in a union that celebrates nature. We invite you to immerse yourself in the art […]

Event date
04/05/2024 18:30
Event Venue
SanGiorgioArte gallery, Via Sparano 79, Bari

The rooms of our Gallery will host Stefania Hepeisen's paintings in the "Flowers" exhibition. The vernissage will take place on Saturday 4 May. Starting from 6.30 pm, in the presence of the artist and director Antonio Palumbo, the exhibition will be revealed to interested and curious people, and will remain open until June 8th. Flowers: allegory of nature and […]

Event date
23/03/2024 18:30
Event Venue
SanGiorgioArte gallery - Via Sparano 79, BARI

The vernissage of the LUX DEI exhibition by Oronzo Lupo was held on Saturday. The artist's works, inspired by the Holy Scriptures, transported viewers on a journey through classical beauty and spirituality. We would like to warmly thank everyone who participated and invite you to immerse yourself in Oronzo Lupo's art until April 6th. The […]

Event date
09/03/2024 18:00
Event Venue
Via Sparano, 79 - BARI

Great success for the evening of Saturday 9 March 2024, with the mastery of Director Antonio Palumbo, who told the many present about the power of the image between cinema and painting through the works of Maestro Michele Roccotelli. All under the expert direction of our Artistic Director Antonio Lagioia and Fulvia De Nicolò. Was a […]

Event date
10/02/2024 18:30
Event Venue
SanGiorgioArte gallery, Via Sparano 79, Bari

Great public participation on Saturday 10 February for the vernissage of "Embrace - The soul in an embrace". Exhibition-path that tells the physicality of bodies in an imaginative and mysterious dimension that characterizes the human soul. Embrace represents the most recent result of Roccotelli's intense production. Through the common thread of the embrace, denied to anyone and in every […]

Event date
16/12/2023 11:00
Event Venue
SanGiorgioArte Via Sparano 79 Bari

Celebrate the holiday season with art! On December 16th we are waiting for you for the special event "Christmas loves art", an extraordinary open day of the exhibition "Genius Genius - The Masters of the Twentieth Century". The Gallery will be exceptionally open from 11:00 to 21:00, a unique opportunity to admire up close over forty works by the giants of the 20th century. A […]

Event date
25/11/2023 18:30
Event Venue
SanGiorgioArte gallery

Incredible success for the Vernissage of the exhibition “GENIUS GENIUS – the Masters of the 20th century”, inaugurated by the art critic Francesco Gallo Mazzeo. A window wide open onto a century of great ferment, told through the talent of international artists who have forever marked the history of art in Italy and around the world. The twentieth century is the protagonist [...]

Event date
25/11/2023 18:30
Event Venue
SanGiorgioArte gallery - Via Sparano 79, BARI

The collective to celebrate an unrepeatable century. On display: Guttuso, De Chirico, Sassu, Migneco, Lichenstein, Warhol, Kounellis, Festa, Savinio, Schifano and Christo The paintings of the twentieth century open a window onto an impetuous historical period, full of extraordinary events. Industrial technological development and world wars reverberate on art in an indelible way. The frenzy of […]

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