
Alinari Luca

Luca Alinari was born in Florence in 1943. Self-taught, he made his debut at the age of 25 with a solo exhibition at the Inquadrature gallery. During...

Marcello Arletti

Marcello Arletti was born in 1963 in Piacenza. He graduated from the Liceo Artistico Statale d'Arte in Bologna and then embarked on...


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Fernandez Arman was born in Nice in 1928 where he attended the École des Arts decoratifs...

Attardi Ugo - Oils

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Italian painter, sculptor, engraver and writer, Ugo Attardi was born in Sori (Genoa) in...

Attardi Ugo - retouche

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Italian painter, sculptor, engraver and writer, Ugo Attardi was born in Sori (Genoa) in...

Attardi Ugo – sculptures

Italian painter, sculptor, engraver and writer, Ugo Attardi was born in Sori (Genoa) in 1923 to Sicilian parents. After school...

Dance Giacomo

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Giacomo Balla was born in Turin in 1871. He was among the first protagonists of divisionism...

Battaglia Xante

Battaglia Xante was born in Gioia Tauro in 1943, lives and works in Milan, teaches painting at the Brera Academy. It's a...

Battista Dario

After obtaining a master's degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari, Dario Battista began his profession as an artist, participating in exhibitions, events,...

Bitetti Mirella

Mirella Bitetti nasce a Ginosa (TA). Dopo gli studi umanistici consegue la maturità artistica. Inizia le sue esperienze attraverso la...

Cacace Filippo

Born in Bari in 1959, into a family of artists. Precocious in drawing, at nine years old he already tried his hand at...

Calabria Ennio

Ennio Calabria, exponent of European figurativism, was born in Tripoli in 1937. After obtaining his artistic high school diploma, he studied at the Academy of Fine...

Campigli Massimo

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Max Hilenfeld (later Massimo Campigli) was born in 1895 to an eighteen-year-old single mother who...

Chagall Marc

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Marc Chagall was born in Russia in 1887, the eldest son of a Jewish family of nine...

Chiaraluce Stefania

Stefania Chiaraluce, born in Todi in 1962, is a multifaceted artist with an experimental background in the research of themes and techniques. Chiaraluce...


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Christo Javacheff was born in Bulgaria in 1935. Until 1956 he completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts...

Cisternino Franco

Franco Cisternino was born in Foggia in 1969 and currently resides in Bientina (Pisa). He spent his childhood in a humble family atmosphere that led him...

Corpora Antonio

Antonio Corpora was born in Tunis to Italian parents in 1909. After studying at the Tunis School of Art he spent some...

D'Avenia Michele

Born in Sesto San Giovanni, Milan, in 1964. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria and, for a short time,...

D'Orsi Silvano

Silvano D'Orsi was born in the province of Caserta in 1953 and has lived and worked in the province of Perugia since the 1970s. Eclectic, quick-change artist, curious experimenter,...

Dalì Salvador

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Painter of the surreal, Salvador Dalì was born in 1904. After the death of his brother...

De Chirico Giorgio

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Giorgio de Chirico was born in 1888 in Volos, Greece. At a very young age he follows a course...

Di Tommaso Angelo

Angelo Di Tommaso was born in Formia in 1953. He attended the Accademia del Cimento in the 1980s and then the Roman school with maestro CarloMarcantonio....

Dorazio Piero

Piero Dorazio was born in Rome in 1927. He studied at the classical high school and attended the studio of the painter Bandinelli where he began...

Dova Gianni

Gianni Dova nasce a Roma l’8 gennaio 1925 e nel 1939 si stabilisce con la famiglia a Milano. Durante la...

Dumont Christian

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Christian Dumont was born in 1951 in Perpignan, capital of the Pyrenees Orientales department,...

Erani Ido

Ido Erani was born in Forlì in 1945 where he still lives and works for over fifty years. He attended the Art High School of...

Fabrizio Paola

Paola Fabrizio was born in Rome, where she lives and works. He has been painting since the age of three. Painter, sculptor, mosaicist puts herself...

Faithful Paul - landscape

Paolo Fedeli was born in Tuscany in 1957. He attended the Art Institute of Siena, obtaining the diploma of Master of Art. Participates in the major collective exhibitions...


il nome d’arte di Federica Oddone, nata ad Alessandria nel 1969. Laureata in farmacia, inizia a sperimentare l’arte pittorica come...

Ferrara Marco

Marco Ferrara was born in 1974 in Canada. From an early age he demonstrated an aptitude for art with free and geometric drawing, which...

Festa Tano

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Tano Festa was born in Rome (1938-1988). Among the kids at the school in Piazza...

Fiore Raffaele

Raffaele Fiore was born in Naples in 1961. He began painting at a very young age but became part of the world of painting in the early 1980s, in a...

Fiume Salvatore

Sicilian from 1915, Salvatore Fiume is a painter, sculptor, architect, writer and set designer. At sixteen he entered the Royal Institute of Art...

Lucio Fountain

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Lucio Fontana (1899-1968) Italian painter and sculptor, is the founder of the spatialist movement. Since 1949, breaking...

Fornarelli Cristina

Cristina Fornarelli is a painter who lives and works in Rome. He has exhibited in many galleries and participated in numerous...

GANT - Gallery Artists No Tags

GANT – Gallery Artists No Tags – Three artists, LAII, Paul Kostabi and Frank Denota, give life to a movement outside conventional art, with a...

Gentilini Franco

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Franco Gentilini was born in Faenza in 1909. He began working at a very young age as an apprentice cabinetmaker and carver....

Guadalupi Roberto

Born in Brindisi in 1954. He made his debut as a set designer in the 1970s. He is interested in painting, fascinated by Impressionism and Realism...

Guadalupi Roberto - The evolution

Born in Brindisi in 1954. He made his debut as a set designer in the 70s and became interested in painting, fascinated by Impressionism and Romantic Realism. The works of the first...

Guttuso Renato

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Renato Guttuso was born in Bagheria in 1911. He moved to Palermo for...

Hepeisen Stefania

Stefania Hepeisen was born in Milan where she graduated in Medicine and Surgery. Here he worked as a surgeon for twenty...

Kostabi Mark

Mark Kostabi, artist and composer, was born in Los Angeles in 1960 to Estonian immigrants. Having moved to New York he imposes himself...

Kounellis Jannis

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Jannis Kounellis was born in Greece in 1936. Painter and sculptor, he is the best known artist...

Lazarus Walter

Walter Lazzaro (Rome 1914 – Milan 1989) is an Italian painter and actor. His training took place in Rome at...

Lichtenstein Roy

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Roy Lichtenstein was born in Pittsburgh in 1923, into a well-to-do middle-class family...

Lupo Oronzo

Oronzo Lupo was born in Francavilla Fontana (BR) in 1973. He attended the State Art Institute of Grottaglie and in '97 he concluded his years at the Academy of Fine Arts in...

Maccari Mino

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Born in Siena in 1898, Mino Maccari participated in the Grande...

Maggioni Piero

Born in Brianza in 1931, he studied drawing at the Castello Sforzesco. He works as a jewelery designer in Milan, thus honing...

Mangione Davide

Davide Mangione works in the fields of painting, illustration, graphics, poetry and music. He first taught as a Subject Expert at the chair...

Martini Arturo

Born in Treviso in 1889, he lives with his very poor family in the medieval towers of Treviso, from which he takes the rooms...

Mauro Andrea

He was born in Faenza in 1954 as Andrea Mauro but signed by reversing his name and surname. The artistic activity began in 1975....

Messina Francesco

Francesco Messina (Linguaglossa 1900 – Milan 1995) established himself on the national and international artistic scene starting from the 1920s...

Migneco Giuseppe

Giuseppe Migneco was born in Messina but soon moved to Milan to pursue his artistic aspirations. Collaborate as an illustrator...

Milan Mimmo

Nato a Gioia del Colle(BA)il 20/03/1966.Con i primi dipinti allestisce la prima mostra personale e in seguito partecipa a numerose...

Miniati Roberto

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Roberto Miniati was born in Rome in 1952 to a family of Florentine origins. Yes...

Montuschi Giancarlo

Giancarlo Montuschi is an artist from Faenza (1952) transplanted to lower Tuscany, he is the anti-character par excellence. Painter, ceramist-sculptor, he expresses himself with a language...

Muscio Giuseppe

Pugliese di Orta Nova, muove i primi passi nella vigna del nonno che riproduce in molti disegni. Studia e sperimenta...

Nicolotti Vanna

Vanna Nicolotti studied graphics with Oscar Signorini and with him founded D'Ars, the oldest Italian contemporary art magazine which accompanied the evolution of art in the 60s and 70s,...

Giovanni Omiccioli

Nato a Roma nel 1901, è uno dei rappresentanti della Scuola romana. Frequenta l’Osteria Fratelli Menghi, noto punto di ritrovo di...

Orfino Francesca

Francesca Orfino paints what she sees, instinctively, without a specific purpose. None of his paintings are constructed or imagined, everything comes from...

Pasciuti Antonio

Born in Campania, he lives and works between Puglia and Tuscany. He dedicated himself to drawing and painting from the first...

Passarino Alessandro

Alessandro Passarino has a great interdisciplinary talent. He manages to express refinement in every construct, which he addresses according to the needs of the...

Perilli Achille

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Achille Perilli was born in Rome in 1927. He is known for his compositions resembling projections...

Piaccione Gianluca

Superficial cuts dance on the canvas following a precise arrangement. Repeatedly positioned and elegantly calibrated, they follow one another, designing harmonious sequential openings. A constructive layout...

Picasso Pablo

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Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881 and died in France in 1973. Since 1901...

Pirandello Fausto

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Son of the playwright Luigi Pirandello, Fausto trained first as a sculptor and then, from...

Puleo Stefano

Stefano Puleo was born in Acitrezza in 1950. Sicily is the protagonist of all his artistic production, for colors, landscapes and chosen subjects. In his land...

Riva Ugo

Ugo Riva was born in Bergamo in 1951. From his youth he developed a strong interest in figurative art which would leave space,...

Michele Roccotelli

Michele Roccotelli was born in Minervino Murge, Puglia. He began exhibiting in 1968 and since then has been present in important national exhibitions, in...

Franco kidneys

Franco Rognoni was born in Milan in 1913 into a lower middle class family that found itself in economic difficulty. Attends high school...

Romano Paola

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Paola Romano was born in Monterotondo (Rome) in 1951. She trained in the artistic environment of Rome, where she lived...

Rossati Marco

Marco Rossati was born in Reggio Emilia in 1943. He studied at the Art Institute and the Academy of Fine Arts in Via Ripetta in Rome, with Mino Maccari, Guttuso, Gentilini. Directs...

Sassu Aligi

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Aligi Sassu was born in Milan in 1912. Son of one of the founders of...

Savin Donato

Donato Savin is one of the most famous Aosta Valley artists known internationally. Contemporary craftsman interprets and revisits the rocks...

Savinio Alberto

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Alberto Savinio (Athens, 1891 – Rome, 1952), pseudonym of Andrea Francesco Alberto de...

Schifano Mario

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Mario Schifano (Homs 1934 – Rome 1998) is the Italian protagonist of pop art....

Sgarbossa Antonio

Antonio Sgarbossa was born in Fontaniva (PD) in 1945. He acquired confidence with oil color at a very young age in a...

Sisi Silvana

Silvana Sisi was born in Pesaro in 1956 and lives and works between Fano and Brazil. His subjects draw...

Sonnino Eliseo

Eliseo Sonnino was born in Rome in 1984. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where he graduated in 2010. Artist with a purely abstract language characterized by...

Squicciarini Antonio

Antonio Squicciarini was born in Bari in 1957. He made his debut at just 13 years old with a solo show at the Teatro Margherita. For three...

Turcato Giulio

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Giulio Turcato was born in Mantua in 1912. He attended art school and then...

Valletta Gianni

Born in Bari in 1967, self-taught, he exhibited his first works at just 18 years old in numerous national exhibitions. They were born in 1992...

Vertone Vittorio

Vittorio Vertone was born in Switzerland in 1970. He lives and works in Pietragalla in Basilicata. He attended the school of Giuseppe Antonello Leone of Graffito Polistrato of...

Warhol Andy

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Andy Warhol was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh to a family of Ukrainian origin. Between...

Zendralli Sandro

Sandro Zendralli was born in Mendrisio, Canton Ticino, on 11 April 1946. After studying architecture in Lugano and...

Zippitelli Piermarino

PierMarino Zippitelli nasce a Bari. Consegue la maturità artistica e poi frequenta l’Accademia di Belle Arti, laureandosi in scenografia. Si...

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