Great success for “Giancarlo Montuschi – COLORPAINTING.” Exhibition inaugurated on Saturday 23 September

Great success for “Giancarlo Montuschi – COLORPAINTING.” Exhibition inaugurated on Saturday 23 September



Great success for the vernissage of the “COLORPAINTING – Giancarlo Montuschi” exhibition.

Imaginary animals, magicians, colored galaxies where planets and constellations have their home, I accompany the visitor on an evocative journey into the Pop Art breathed and absorbed by the artist in his formative years.

Saturday 23 it was the first time of Giancarlo Montuschi at the SanGiorgio gallery. The exhibition entitled COLORPAINTING will celebrate the fantastic worlds of the eclectic Tuscan artist, born in '52, anti-character par excellence. Imaginary animals, magicians, colorful galaxies where planets and constellations have their home, will accompany the visitor on an evocative journey into Pop art breathed and absorbed by the artist in his formative years. From the artistic movement that indelibly marked the 1960s, Montuschi assimilated the use of bright and contrasting colours, visual quotes taken from the world of advertising and mass media, to reflect on modern society and consumer culture. The exhibition will close on 28 OCTOBER. 

It will be visitable

from Tuesday to Friday 10.00-13.00 / 16.00-19.00

Saturday 10.00-13.00 / 16.30-21.00

“Iconic and representative figures of a pop culture rooted in the 20th century, of which the artist has in-depth and direct knowledge, recognizable silhouettes, known to the general public for the values they embody, the protagonists of Montuschi's works establish visual links with slender beings without features, emblems of a universal humanity capable of crossing time undergoing a progressive metamorphosis of feeling.” (Francesca Bogliolo)

Artist from Faenza, transplanted to lower Tuscany for some time, he is the anti-character par excellence. Painter, ceramist-sculptor of quality, he expresses himself with a naive, fairy-tale and substantially fantastic language, with alchemical-esoteric veins. The fact of being born (in 1952) in Faenza, a land of excellence for ceramics, and of having "breathed" in his formative years the revitalizing ferment generated by the influence of Pop Art on the young artists of that era, has highlighted, in Montuschi, two complementary and formally different expressive lines. He took part in numerous exhibitions throughout the 1980s: in Faenza, Florence, Arezzo, Verona, Bologna, Bergamo, Turin, Bassano, Sweden and Zagreb. In the following decade, the collaboration with Kens'Art of Florence began, then came the exhibitions “The Art of living” in New York and “Scarperentola” traveling to Milan, London and New York; and the solo exhibition at the Saint Emillion ceramic museum (Bordeaux). He also participates in various editions of the art expo of Bari, Montichiari and Padua, at the ArteFiera in Bologna, at the EuropArt in Geneva, at the Spoleto festival. Numerous solo exhibitions in Rome in the early 2000s, then in Perugia, Florence (Immaginaria gallery), Prato, Milan, while attendance at the fair increased: Vicenza Arte, Expo in Bari, and Genoa, International Art Fair in Innsbruck , West Lake Expo in China. He was invited to the 51st Venice Biennial, Latin American Institute Pavilion.
They wrote about him:
Marcello Venturoli, Claudio Spadoni, Giuliano Serafini, Angelo Dragone, Massimo Duranti, Francesco Gallo, Emidio de Albentiis, Robertomaria Siena, Pier Paolo Castellucci, Nicola Nuti, Susanna Ragionieri, Michele Loffredo, Giorgio Bertozzi, Rino Cardone, Nicoletta Zanella, Alan Querre, Jeanne Rossi Lecerf, C.Grante, , Ivan Teobaldelli, Elisabetta Mastrocola, Rita Olivieri, Cristina Vignoli, Giorgio Borio, Gianni Milani, , Eugenio Giannì, Marco salvi, Mario Rotta, Roberta Fiorini, Francesca Ancona, Alessandra Angelucci, Francesco Giulio Farachi, MariaPia Cappello, Marco Botti, Cristina Palmieri.
Delving into Montuschi's poetics for a moment, we need to start from the trace that the artist himself has indicated several times: the reference to a text by Jorge Luis Borges, epilogue from the Artefice. It's worth mentioning again:
“ A man sets himself the task of designing the world. As the years pass, he populates a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fish, homes, instruments, stars, horses and people. Shortly before dying, he discovers that that patient labyrinth of lines traces the image of his face."

The concept of identification between man, nature, the environment and everything visible with itself is striking.

Well, for years Montuschi has been designing his world which is placed beyond the visible, with a faceless presence (and that of his peers) that wanders in constructed landscapes that populates with pieces of nature placed haphazardly, clinging, emerging from nothing , decorating, non-decorative, deformed….. (extract from a text by Massimo Duranti)

SanGiorgioArte gallery, Via Sparano 79 Bari

0805468864 – 3405903641

Instagram: sangiorgio_arte

Facebook: Sangiorgio Art


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